Our Services
Don’t let the complexities of your programs and operations impede growth and impact any longer

We offer a variety of professional services that help health care providers achieve optimal service delivery. Are you looking to provide broader wrap-around services for your patients? Do you need research and program evaluation support for clinical and community services? We can help with that.

Community Development
Our dynamic approach to serving communities includes social service and public agencies, coalitions and stakeholder networks. Whether you are engaged in strategic planning, in need of high level executive staff development or looking to develop a social enterprise, our support will deliver quality results.

Where do we deliver the most? In our client’s results. While working with the philanthropic sector, we’ve provided capacity building and technical assistance to grantees, launched and support strategic initiatives, and led project management and meeting facilitation. Whether community, corporate or family foundations, our services are guaranteed to fit the bill.
Strategic Planning
Leading strategic planning for Federally-Qualified Health Care Centers, health care coalitions, community and corporate foundations and nonprofit community-based organizations
Assisting in the development and implementation of annual action plans to support long-term organizational goals
Developing strategies to advance health system primary care initiatives, community-based policy and advocacy, and nonprofit development strategies
Facilitating the development of community health plans
Research & Evaluation
Working with hospital systems, community health centers and foundations to conduct environmental scans – assessing challenges and opportunities for growth and impact
Developing and implementing program evaluation to measure progress towards goals and objectives and return on investment
Conducting health policy research to support population health management, health services research and Medicaid/public sector health care programs
Nonprofit Change Management
Leveraging strategies to help nonprofits make change in response to dynamic political, demographic and financial changes, including
Leading organizational and institutional change in the era of Obamacare
Working with CEOs and Presidents to plan for successful and seamless leadership transitions
Supporting philanthropy through grantmaking and foundation management
Engaging organizational leadership to develop and implement theory of change, identify key indicators and measures
Meeting & Retreat Facilitation
Delivering customized facilitation services to help organizations and institutions develop meetings and group processes that produce results, including
Town Hall Meetings
Focus Groups and Stakeholder Engagement
Board and Executive
Leadership Retreats
Multi-Sector Coalition Facilitation
Who We've Worked With
Healthcare/Public Health
ACCESS Community Health Network
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Chicago Department of Public Health
Erie Family Health Centers
Heartland Health Centers
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Illinois Department of Public Health
Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership
Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance
Community Development
Claretian Associates
Chicago Funders Together to End Homelessness
Chicago Workforce Funders Collaborative
Garfield Park Wellness Collaborative
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
KentuckianaWorks Workforce Development Board
LISC Chicago
Chicago African Americans in Philanthropy
Chicago Funders Together to End Homelessness
Community Memorial Foundation
Healthy Communities Foundation
IL Children’s Healthcare Foundation
J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation
Michael Reese Health Trust
RRF Foundation for Aging
Contact Us
Develop your Strategy and Soar!